Why every creative should have a Youtube channel

November 10, 2018Rabea

Why every creative should have a Youtube channel main thumbnail

Creatives need a platform to connect with other creatives and potential customers. Youtube is a great way to achieve that and I will tell you why every creative should have a Youtube channel today.

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You can share ideas easily

If you are like me you have tons of ideas every day that you share with only one person or nobody. Through videos you can share way more ideas and excite others for them. If you are good at presenting ideas this will be a great way to make new customers and even if you are not good at presenting in the beginning you will get better with time.


You learn SEO

SEO is the short word for search engine optimization and is pretty self explanatory. You will learn how to improve videos to rank higher for certain search words. I personally use a tool for this which made it 10x easier. Itโ€™s called โ€œTubebuddyโ€ and if you are just starting out you only pay 4.50$ for it to scan through youtube for the best tags, show you your best video SEO and tons of videos on how to use TubeBuddy and YouTube better.


You can start multiple income streams from there

Videos are a great central point to send viewers to other pages. This is a great way to make an income through multiple techniques. Most youtubers have merchandise, some have an art store (i.e. Etsy) or get supported through Patreon. There are a lot of ways to make a little extra money and make it your main income with time. I think Patreon is a great way to start out with since itโ€™s fairly easy to make people excited for your projects.


Share tips with new creatives

Since you can film yourself through your processes and your growth with time you will be a great source for tips for other creatives. If you are already good in a field you should totally share more about your experiences and knowledge to make it easier for others to grow. I personally always like to share advice on mental health and blogging since Iโ€™m into both topics for a few years now and want to make it easier for others that might not know as much.


Make videos for your blog posts

If you are already a blogger after my post on why every creative should have a blog you can totally make videos that go with some or all of your blog posts. I made videos for some of my longer and more important blog posts and it is a great way to make two things out of only one written piece. You can also start writing blog posts based on videos you made, it goes both ways.


This is why every creative should have a Youtube channel. There are a lot more great reasons but some of them need to be experienced before you can truly understand what I mean. Building a community is one of the most beautiful things ever and everyone should do it in my opinion.

Do you want to get into blogging first? I made a whole course just for blog beginners to have an easy start and it is still growing with new content. Check it out HERE.
Need motivation to start? Download my free Motivational Printables from my resource library. To access the library you only need to sign up for my newsletter here:


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Why every creative should have a Youtube channel

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