Why every creative should have a blog

July 7, 2018Rabea

Why every creative should have a blog main thumbnail

I know a lot of people that are reading my blog are creatives and today I wanna share with you why every creative should have a blog…there are so many reasons.

You can make your creativity into a habit

A lot of creative people just do something here and there and get into creative ruts easily because of it. With blogging as a hobby or even job you need to be creative everyday. Having creativity as a daily habit keeps you in a flow state when it comes to new things to create. I personally have this blog and a youtube channel and those two things keep me busy with creativity all week. I didn’t have a creative rut in over a year.

You can connect easier to other creatives

Making good content makes it easier to get seen by cool people, but you also find very talented people that you can connect with over time. There is almost nothing nicer than internet friends that understand your struggles and ideas. It can take a bit longer and I personally know how awkward it can feel, but it is always worth it to connect to people and write them a DM from time to time.

You can make money with blogging

If you really learn a bit about marketing and optimizing your blog you actually can make a living with it. A lot of people think this is super hard, but you actually just need to know how to write things so people wanna try them out, buy them or interact. I think everyone secretly doesn’t know how to do this perfectly. I made a whole e-course about starting your blog and setting it up to make money with it.

You get better at a lot of things

When you get into blogging you wonยดt stop learning things. Through my 6 years of blogging on different platforms I learned how to take good pictures, how to edit them professionally, how SEO works and what it is and a LOT about marketing. There are still a lot of things that I donยดt do the best way. But I learn new things every freaking day. That’s the best thing about pretty much ever hobby or job based on creativity and marketing.

How to start a blog?

You probably don’t really know how to start a blog if youยดre reading this and I got you. I made a whole blog post about the basics you need and I also have an extensive page of blogging resources that could help you if you need some extra help as a beginner. If you don’t really know what to do after reading that or just a bit lost in general but you really want to know how to start a successful blog I have a whole e-course just for you.

In my e-course I teach you everything that you need to set you up for success and give you freebies that are updated frequently. You also have a voice in creating the future of my course when it comes to topic to talk about and freebies you want me to add. There is a lot of helpful information already in there and a lot of videos will be added over the next months. Sign up for it now to get the launch price:

I have something for you that you will love. I made a whole ebook about creative prompts that will help you with your potential blog and your creativity in general. You can access it in my freebie library thatยดs open for newsletter squad. Sign up here to get the goodies:


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