Ways to break a creative rut

May 2, 2018Rabea


Ways to break a creative rut with freebie

The worst feeling in the world? Not creating.
It is a very depressing feeling to not have your creative juices flowing as a person that really has creativity engraved in their personality.
I didn’t have a big creative rut in months and today I show you my ways to break a creative rut and stay creative all the time.

Going to other places

The easiest way to break a creativity rut is to change your environment around you. Writing or painting in a cafe or nature is very refreshing. If you have a balcony you should also take advantage of that, because it is actually the best combination of being outside, but also being in the comfort of your own home.


Tidy and change your place

Tidy up & sort out your room to have a clear mind. Maybe even change around your furniture. It always helps to change things around you up a little bit and I can definitely give you the tip to make some decor for your apartment and make it feel more homey and fresh. If you didn’t already read β€œThe life-changing magic of tidying up” do it!


Do something else

You don’t need to be creative with what you normally do. Try to dance instead of painting, writing instead of making music, take photos instead of doing makeup. It’s refreshing to be creative in a completely different way and can give you inspiration for your own medium. Makeup pictures, for example, can be really inspiring for drawing and writing.


Find a creative challenge

There are tons of drawing, photography and writing challenges online that get you back into the habit of being creative. I love drawing challenges that I create for myself every now and then, but there are endless challenges online and you can also find one in the freebie to this blogpost.


Get this Creativity ebook with ways to break a creative rut in my free resource library

Watch some Ted Talks

There are hundreds of thousands of Ted Talks that inspire you to do new things. They don’t need to be about art. I personally love to watch Ted Talks about the environment, mental health and millennial achievements. It’s very interesting and inspiring what we could do different and how our feelings work.


Find inspiration in unusual places

Instead of Pinterest you could search hashtags on Instagram. I have Inspiration collections on both apps and love to go through them as soon as I don’t have new ideas. Depending on what you do it can also help to go through reddit or Spotify. Different vibes and art forms can create different new art pieces. I also made a blog post about the best self-help books. Those inspire me a lot too.



When nothing helps you should take a break from social media and the internet in general to center yourself again. Social Media overloads our brain and makes it harder to think in an organized way. You also learn to do things differently through the day and that gives you a new perspective for creating too.


Create every day

I create every day of the week and that’s why I don’t get into ruts that often. I just made it a habit. You should do a 365-Challenge and draw, write or create something else for one year. Or at least 2 months straight to engrave the process into your brain. You will learn to create even without having ideas and that’s the best skill to have.

Do you need a checklist to keep all of this in mind? Do you need even more inspiration?
I made a freebie for you with checklists, ideas, challenges and more. All you need to do is signing up for my newsletter for FREE:

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