Types of blog posts to write

June 15, 2019Rabea
Types of blog posts to write main th

We all know the struggle of not knowing what blog posts to plan and write. Sometimes we just have weeks without any new ideas. Sometimes it can help to take an old topic that worked well and make it into a new type of blog post and here are the types of blog posts to write in that case:

Top list

People always wanna know whats the best of something and want to have things ranked by quality. You can do top lists for products but also for pretty much anything else. I personally do a lot of my self-care posts in a manner that ranks from most to least effective self-care activity (while all of them are still important, of course) and that also helps me a lot in the writing process.


These take a little bit more time to write but they are also very rewarding if you market them right to the right audience. Showing people how to do somethings gives you a stronger sense of community since people tend to be more grateful for these types of posts and will at least leave a comment. Tutorial blog posts also get shared a lot more than other typical blog post types.


I really love these posts for affiliate marketing. You write a whole post about a topic, connect your recommendations to it and maybe link to a few products that you have affiliate links to. These are a little bit harder to get clicks on unless you really know how to tie them in with a good headline and a good flow in the blog post itself. If you write them the right way they can make you some serious cash though.


These are a little bit like op-edโ€™s in journalism. You really need a good headlines for these and start off great to hook the reader in but if you are an expert in a field or just have an interesting viewpoint of something these will also work great to build a closer community feeling on your blog. Encourage people to comment their opinion and views on the topic and you have a comment and newsletter magnet.

Reasons whyโ€ฆ

People always need reasons why the need to do something or have something or whatever the hell you can give them reasons for. These get clicked very easily on platforms like Pinterest and if you write them in a good way they can be good to get newsletter sign ups through a freebie to the post which you can funnel into a product you made. These are pretty much made for sales funnels.


Getting personal online is always a win. People want to read real stories from real people but they also want to see a solution for the problem they have. Giving them a story from your life and combining it with an invitation to your newsletter or a product that helped you solve the problem in the story youโ€™re telling is a great way to advertise. But it can also just be a good way to just connect with people in general without wanting to market yourself.


Nowadays everyone researches what they are going to buy and tons of people are obsessed with reading reviews. You shouldnโ€™t write too many of these unless your blog is based on them but if you want to advertise something you get affiliate money from you should definitely write a review but be honest about the product because not every product is for everyone. Donโ€™t sell it to everyone, sell it to the people that need it. Just telling people that everyone needs something makes your opinion seem bought.


These posts are very similar to the review ones. They are basically a double review but you want to sell one of the products as better and bring the strong points of it to the center of attention. Writing these takes quite a bit of research about both products you compare and need to be marketed specifically. But if you do it the right way these are also a great way to make some extra affiliate cash.

Advice to my past self about xyz

These are one of my favorite types of blog posts to write. I make these once every year or two and these are a great way to show more of yourself to your readers but also teach them life lessons. I wouldnโ€™t ask for more that comments or a newsletter sign up in these. Self reflection is great if you can do it publicly for others to learn from it. People appreciate openness.

If you are searching for types of blog posts to write you might need a little more inspiration. You need more help to get overall more successful with your blog? I made a whole course dedicated to this where I put all my knowledge of over 5 years of blogging together and gave you the best bits. The course is updated with new lessons multiple times per year and Iโ€™d love you to join. Itโ€™s super affordable and you can request new topic to be covered at any time.

Check it out HERE!

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Types of blog posts to write

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