Top 5 self-help books you need to read

April 21, 2018Rabea


Reading is one of the most relaxing things you can do as a human being. In the last 3 years I didn’t read a lot, but I came across the best self-help books on the planet and today I will show you the top 5 self-help books that actually changed my life.

Miracle Morning

If you watch my videos on Youtube, you might already know how much I love the concept thatΒ΄s described in the book. ItΒ΄s about a certain kind of morning routine that will make you more productive and it really helps. I have half of the book just marked in blue text marker. In short: You learn the SAVERS, every word stands for a morning activity: Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading & Scribing.
You can buy it here*


Big Magic

You probably heard a lot of people talking about this book, and while I think it’s a bit too overhyped, it still has a lot of great advise in it. I have whole pages just covered in marker and others are absolutely boring to me but still add context. It’s definitely a great read for traveling. Also: The cover looks so great and was absolutely the reason I bought it.
You can buy it here*


The life-changing magic of tidying up

If you didn’t hear about this book…what were you doing the last few years? The system of decluttering in this book worked wonders for me. After reading it and watching a lot of minimalism videos I sorted out everything I owned and now everything I own fits into a middle-sized room (perks of still living with my mom). I saw people that own houses throwing out whole rooms of trash and it is so satisfying to watch other people doing this on Youtube, Give it a read, it will really change your life.
You can buy it here*


The Magic

Also part of a very big trend on Youtube. This book is about gratitude and the law of attraction and gives you tips and tasks for 28 days of gratitude. I already was a really positive person before I got into all of the gratitude related things, but with this book, I turned into a little ball of energy that complimented a lot of people and had something to be thankful for every day. You should read it at least twice a year in my opinion, since it is getting you back on track every time.
You can buy it here*


The subtle art of not giving a f*ck

I almost cried reading the last chapter of this book. I learned a lot about myself through this book and about the way people think in general. The hype is totally worth it because this book gives you the deepest feelings in weird ways. I read so many things that I already practice and why they help me as a human being in this world. If you buy one book from this list let this book be it. It will blow your mind and you will see life differently.

You can buy it here*


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