The ways to make money with a blog

September 8, 2018Rabea

The ways to make money with a blog main thumbnail

There is not just one way to make money with blogging. There are a few different income streams you can create to make a blog your main hustle. Here are the ways to make money with a blog…

This post contains affiliate links.

Affiliate links

The easiest and quickest way for beginners would be affiliate marketing. You sign up for affiliate pages like ShareASale and request to be an affiliate for a few pages fitting your niche. I personally write some blog posts and put in little affiliate parts later or I set myself an affiliate for the blog post and write something fitting to the topic. The only thing you always need to do is to mention that there are affiliate links in the post.

Digital Products

eBooks, workbooks, printable planners, etc. are a great way to make money with a blog. You can sell them in a third-party shop or make one on your own website (which is my next big goal) to have your branding a bit more cohesive. I personally love buying eBooks and workbooks when they are fairly long and on sale…If they are less than 20$ with more than 50 pages full of content you will have a lot more people on board with it.


This is a bit more work and can be harder to start but is also a great idea. Coaching businesses work great since a lot of people want to improve their lives. It can be hard to do it from the beginning of your blogging career if it’s not the base of your whole blog. I personally made a page on this blog for Creativity Coaching for everyone that wants to get deeper into it. I researched tons of ways to coach and all the concepts you can find…but in the end it will always be a bit like a themed therapy session.


This is also an easy one and can make you money pretty fast if you get 2000+ page views. I personally made enough to get paid pretty quick and since it is a service made by Google it’s also pretty easy to use and understand. This is definitely a great way to make passive income as long as you remember to put the codes for the ads where they fit and aren’t too overwhelming. In my case they are at the end of every post and the bottom of my blog. If you don´t wanna use AdSense and have sidebar space you can put banners there for people who wanna advertise on your blog. This can take a bit longer to achieve.

Sponsored Posts

The most known way to make money blogging is with sponsored posts. It started in the fashion & beauty niche but now you will find companies in every niche that would sponsor your blog posts. This works a bit better for bigger blogs and fashion/beauty blogs are definitely still a bit in the advantage when it comes to this topic. But even as a fairly small blogger you can reach out to websites, shops and companies and have a chance. There are a lot of email templates out there to ask for a collaboration but with a bit of luck businesses will also write you emails with opportunities.

These were the ways to make money with a blog that I find the easiest and most accessible. I cover a bit more about this topic in my Blogging Bossbabe e-course that you can check out here. The course is made for blog beginners and shows them the most important basics and tips to have a great start with blogging. If you have any other experiences you can share them with me and other down below in the comments.

If you need some help with starting your first blog I can recommend my free email course “Blogger Starter Pack” for you. It’s 4 emails full of advice, tips and actionsteps. Sign up for free here:

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The ways to make money with a blog

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