The categories of personal development
Personal development has categories, just like self care or self love has. Here are the categories of personal development in a little overview for you.

Personal Growth
Personal growth is about becoming a better person and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Striving to become a better version of ourselves is at the core of personal development. It’s the starting point.
Personal Analysis
Personal Analysis explains itself. It’s about checking in with yourself on where you are right now and where you want to go next. What needs improvement in your life? What are you doing wrong? What are you doing right? What could you start doing? Ask yourself questions and reflect on what you did until now. Personal analysis is a big step to take before planning out your next steps.
Personal Improvement
Personal Improvement is all about a good mindset and developing good habits in day-to-day life. After your personal analysis, you’ll know what you want to improve in your life and lifestyle. Which habits are you stopping? Which habits are you starting? What are you doing to improve your stress levels? All those little things fall under personal improvement.
Personal Empowerment
Personal Empowerment is all about pushing yourself to become a better person by letting yourself try new things and relax when you need to. We can’t work 24/7. There needs to be time for relaxation and there needs to be time to put your mind onto other things. It doesn’t just have to be friends and family. It can also be a hobby or maybe even something helping you on your personal development journey, like writing.
Personal Objectives
Personal Objectives are the small and big goals that you work towards. Without them, you will work a lot to land nowhere. What is your big goal? Maybe a five-year goal. What are your smaller goals? And what are the action steps to get there? You can make them as detailed as you need them to be. However, you need them to actually get to the end goal.
These are the categories of personal development for you. If you’re just starting your journey in personal development I urge you to check out my full workbook guide on getting your life together that is finally available for pre-order HERE.
And I also have a FREEBIE for you! A mini version of the personal development plan you can find in my upcoming workbook, cause having it improved my personal development so much:

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The categories of personal development by Rabea