The best products to invest in for your blog

August 11, 2018Rabea

The best products to invest in for your blog main thumbnail

Before or shortly after starting a blog there are tons of products and services that you find online. This can get overwhelming and not knowing what is really important is making this worse. That’s why I wanted to make this blog post with the best products to invest in for your blog.
This post contains affiliate links.


A Good design

A good blog design has everything you need. The structure, social media buttons, newsletter sign ups in the right places and the right vibe. I learned a lot about blog marketing in the last months and want you to buy the right design at the start of your journey. I made a blog post with my favorite blog designs this month that you can read through and maybe find the right one. My blog design will change too in the next weeks since I want something that really fits me and my niche better and I hope you are excited for it!


Lightroom & Presets

This is an investment of around 100$ but it is totally worth it. Lightroom is a toned down version of Photoshop and helps you to edit pictures professionally. There are also free and cheap filters you can buy that are called presets. I recommend a camera that can shoot in the โ€œRAWโ€ format for this. This is a format a lot of little cameras have too and you can find out online if your existing camera can shoot in RAW. If you are really sure about blogging you can also pay for the whole Adobe Creative Suite with all Adobe programs but Lightroom is good for beginners.


E-courses about marketing and monetizing

There are a lot of fairly cheap and very insightful e-courses out there that teach you about the marketing side of blogging and how to monetize your blog. Learning from people that are already in the blogosphere for a while will help you with the building of your own reputation. I personally can recommend Pinfinite Growth by Melyssa Griffin and also made my own course about starting a successful blog. I currently work on getting new videos up for the course and hope to have them up by the end of the month. It’s hot in Germany so everything is a bit slower here at the moment.


A good email provider

If you read a lot about blogging you probably learned about email marketing by now. Having an email list as a blogger is essential and easier to grow than you think. I personally use Mailchimp but I will switch to Convertkit as soon as Iยดve reached a certain amount of email subscribers. Donยดt worry too much about figuring out the whole marketing part of emails. It’s even still hard for me at times. My welcome sequence of emails that every new subscriber gets is never how I want it. There will always be something that you want to do better or different. Blogging first, getting better at email marketing second. Take it easy.

These are the best products to invest in for your blog. I also made a blog post about the best tools for blogging that save me the most time. If you aren’t already part of my email squad you should join us and grab yourself my free mini ebook with blogging advice in my freebie library. You can sign up here:


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The best products to invest in for your blog

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