Productivity journal ideas

May 9, 2020Rabea

Journaling can be one of the most helpful tools in your life. No matter if it is to write down your feelings, plan out your day or to track things in your life. Today I want to show you productivity journal ideas that will help you in the long run.

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Habit Tracker

You mightโ€™ve already heard of this since it has been going around for several years now. A habit tracker lets you keep track of multiple habits that you want to keep up with or add to your daily routine. There are tons of ways to realize a habit tracker in your journal, but you can also find printables for it everywhere. Including my freebie library. If you are a part of my email squad youโ€™ll have access to three different printable habit trackers. You can sign up for that further down in this post.

Quarterly Goals & Plans

Planning in Quarters can be super helpful for breaking down goals and tasks. Break down your yearly resolutions and goals into big tasks that can be done in a quarter, then break those down into monthly and weekly goals as you go along. Even if you donโ€™t have a system for all of this it is super helpful to just sit down every three months and look back, reevaluate what can improve and what to forget about.


This is a godsent, especially when you tend to get overwhelmed easily. I have constant ideas and thousand things that need to get done and having those all in my head gives me the fear to forget them. You probably feel the same and thatโ€™s what this spread is for. Just write down every little task that comes to your mind that still has to be done. No matter how urgent or unimportant it may be. Then you can go on and sort them by categories and urgency. Maybe use the Eisenhower Matrix for prioritizing.

Level 10 Life page

This is about putting your life into categories and rating them on ten levels. Maybe your family life is a 6 and your physical environment is at a 9. From there you can write down how to improve each category. This can be super helpful to come back to whenever you feel down and need ideas for what to do. I do one of these spreads in my journal at the beginning of every year and update it every 6 months if I donโ€™t forget it.

Monthly Plans in Categories

Monthly plans are important to not just procrastinate throughout the entire month. You can make a โ€œMonthly Agendaโ€ where you write down everything you want to achieve in your biggest life areas and with your big goals. Maybe have two sections for your big goals and a few smaller sections for the Level 10 Life improvements that you can make in a month. You wonโ€™t finish all of the things most months, but having them on your radar definitely helps.

Cleaning Spread

Out of all productivity journal ideas I see this one very rarely. This is a lifesaver when you have a lot to clean or still struggle with having a routine when it comes to cleaning. What do you have to clean once a week, once a month and once every quarter? How often do you need to replace your toothbrush or contact lenses and where do you track it? Which product are you using for what? What stuff needs a deep clean? Which things in your home need to be fixed? Write it down!

Study Spread

If you are a student, you are probably aware of the amazing study community that is out there on Tumblr and Instagram. You can search up spreads for all types of learning. But that is not what I mean with this. Sometimes you just put on a 30 minute video on Youtube and learn a small thing that has a lot of value. Have spreads in your journal to write down things you learn on the go. Videos, articles, Pinterest Pins, blog posts, all of those can be a source of new knowledge.

I talk about a lot of these things in my new workbook โ€œHow to get your life together – and keep it that way.โ€ There are tons of tips, prompts, checklists and systems in there that will help you stay on track in life. I think you could benefit from the things in there if you liked this post, but you could also try some of my freebies first. Maybe with my โ€œ100 productive things to doโ€ mini eBook. Sign up for my newsletter to get that:

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Productivity journal ideas

Productivity journal ideas by Rabea

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