Recently I‘ve fallen down a weird hole of anxiety with a sprinkle of depression and a topping of existential crisis. Gotta love your 20s. Knowing how to cope was an…
Habits to get out of depression
Getting out of depression can be a long and tiring journey, but there are habits that can certainly improve the journey. Here are habits to get out of depression. *Disclaimer:…
Organize your life as a student
Have you ever wondered how those study accounts on Instagram and Youtube have it all together? Well, firstly, they are all just human and probably don’t have it all together.…
Productive ways to spend free time
Free time gets pretty boring for some of us, unless we have a vivid fantasy world full of storylines. I wanted to share some productive ways to spend free time…
Habits of successful people
While success is something we all define differently, there are definitely habits that will help you be a more successful person in any definition of the word. Here are the…