My self care essentials kit
If you follow me for a while, you´ll know how much I talk about self-care. I actually never shared with you what my essentials are when it comes to self-care days and today you´ll get my self care essentials kit. Just click on the colorful word to get to the products I personally use and love.
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Journal / Notebook
Writing your feelings onto paper is therapy in my opinion. It empties your head, helps with your intuition and you become a person that reflects a lot on everything surrounding you. I personally love Leuchtturm 1917 Notebooks a lot, because you can use them for a whole year instead of changing every few months. At the moment I journal in the back of my Artist of Life Workbook by Lavendaire. If you are as obsessed with goal setting as I am you should check it out.
Yoga Mat & Blackroll
Working out can be an annoying part of self-care, but we all know how good it feels to be finished with it. You become so happy and content with yourself after a good workout. I personally think everyone should have a yoga mat. They are helpful and you can store them in small places and there are a lot of good ones online. What I personally also love as someone that’s sitting a lot at a desk is a Blackroll. This thing can help you to roll out muscle soreness after working out and also helps with workouts if you want to make them a bit harder.
You know how much I love reading books about personal development. I made a whole blogpost about my 5 favorite self-help books, but there are many more. A few of my favorites are:
–The subtle art of not giving a f*ck by Mark Manson
–Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
–Getting Things Done by David Allen
–The power of now by Eckhart Tolle
–You are a badass by Jen Sincero
–The four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
There are even more that I still need to read and discuss on this blog, but these are my must reads.
Meditation Pillow
Pillows that are just made to sit on the bottom to chill…they exist and they can look really cool. Society6 has them in every design that you could think of and I´m in love with all of them. Meditation is so important to keep yourself sane while you´re living in an stressful environment. I personally try to meditate at least every other day to stay in a normal amount of stress. If you wanna check out Society6 and get 10$ off your first purchase you can click here.
Canvas & Paint
Painting is one of the most relaxing things directly after meditating. I personally draw a lot with watercolor, but my favorite way to be creative is acrylic paint on a canvas (they are pretty cheap). There is something very calm about concentrating on a liquid that you distribute onto a canvas. I personally use the most standard paints ever and love these brushes. I get my inspiration from my Pinterest Board called Drawing Inspo which is full of all kinds of drawings and sketches.
Skincare & Haircare
Caring for your skin is very important. Especially when you have a stressful time you tend to get skin problems. I personally use a lot of Tea Tree Oil products, but I also love simple things like Jojoba oil and Coconut oil for my skin and also my hair. I also love face masks and totally wanna try out these ones. Skincare is a lot of fun for me, I still think I don’t do it enough, but I love face masks and trying out new moisturizers a lot. Feel free to tell me your favorite skin care product in the comments.
Drinking tea is always relaxing…okay maybe not when it’s hot as f*ck outside. My favorites are ginger tea and mixed fruit tea. But just tea in general is helpful to keep your body and mind balanced. There is just something really calming about drinking tea, especially in the evening. Combine the tea with a book from above and you are in full on self-care mode.
This was my self care essentials kit. If you read up until this point you probably love an eBook entirely about self care that I wrote recently. It’s called “MIND, BODY & SOUL” and you should check it out. There even is a free chapter that my newsletter subscribers can access.
If you want to get updates on future self-care posts and get access to a freebie library full of Printables and ebooks about self-care, personal development and creativity you can be part of my newsletter squad. Maybe you’d like this 30 day self care challenge eBook:
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