My experience with Bluehost as a newbie (Review)

My experience with Bluehost as a newbie (Review)

December 22, 2018Rabea
My experience with Bluehost as a newbie (Review)

Like I already promised. Here is the long awaited blog post about my experience with Bluehost as a newbie. This is not a super professional review hence the โ€œnewbieโ€ but is here to help fellow beginner bloggers to decide if they want to start with Bluehost as their hosting service.

This post contains affiliate links*

What is Bluehost?

When you want to start a professional website on a page like WordPress you need a service to host your website over. Bluehost is one of many hosting providers for exactly this. It is used by tons of big bloggers and business owners all over the world and is known for their cheap prices and service.

Why I use Bluehost:

When I started researching for the start of the blog you are on right now I pretty much immediately decided to start a blog on WordPress and I knew it would be a bit harder to set this up. I searched through tons of blog posts of other bloggers and in 9 out of 10 blog posts the hosting service that was mentioned was Bluehost. They are known to be fairly cheap for a hosting provider and have all the essential safety options when you purchase their service. Another thing coming with the service is a domain which gave me one less problem to think about since I got instantly connected with the purchase. The last thing that got me was the different types of customer service and that itโ€™s available pretty much 24/7. I thankfully never needed customer support and canโ€™t speak on that but it was important for me to have them available at any time in the 3 years I purchased for.

Should you use Bluehost?

Yes, in my personal opinion you should. I think the pricing is very fair and you purchase 1-3 years in advance and donโ€™t need to think about it that much. Unless you have an especially big amount of traffic coming (which I donโ€™t have experience with) you should definitely pick them. Iโ€™m in my second year using them and itโ€™s barely ever crossing my mind. The only thing I need to think about is when the 3 years are over and I need to have the money ready for another 3 years.

That’s everything about my experience with Bluehost as a newbie. If this blog post made you decide to look further into Bluehost or even into using their service I would love if you would support this blog by using my link to purchase their service. You are not paying more and it helps me with keeping this blog up. If you have any other questions you can write me a comment, an e-mail or ask their customer service. Check it out!

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My experience with Bluehost as a newbie

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