How to find your passion

June 20, 2018Rabea

How to find your passion main picture

A lot of my readers are in their late teens, early twenties or in a life reboot situation and try to find their passion. While there are a lot of people out there that say your passion doesnยดt need or shouldnยดt be your job I think it totally depends on your love for the things you’re passionate about. I love everything creative and make my money with blogging, filming and social media. But let’s start with the tips I have for you on how to find your passion.

What makes you happy in your free time?

What do you do in your free time. Even if you just lay in bed a lot you have some things your thoughts gravitate towards. I, for example, think a lot about writing or drawing when I relax, but you might wanna dance or design clothes or something along those lines. So my first tip for you is to relax, do nothing and see what your mind and soul want to do. This might take a while because most of us carry so much stress and pressure with us at all times. Take as much time as possible with yourself.

What made you happy in your childhood?

There are things we do a lot in our childhood but stop doing as we grow up because we have less time or too much stress and pressure. Analyze what you did a lot when you were younger and write down what you might want to try out again. Maybe an instrument, maybe a team sport or even just something like baking. I personally think about getting a vocal coach in the near future or learning the piano.

What do you have on your mind for your future?

You hopefully have dreams and goals for the future. What are these dreams connected to? There are probably correlations between your goals and what you are meant to do. If you want to learn 3 languages in life you might have the passion to travel. Especially nowadays this can totally be a job. Maybe you want to be an author, that automatically tells you to learn more about writing.

What would you love to try out?

Especially in a time full of social media you see a lot of cool things in posts, tweets or on your explore page. You will come across things you want to try out. Especially in the art and fitness niche youยดll see a lot of experimental and cool things. Maybe you see good photographers and models and want to test the waters of this niche. There is so much and you will definitely find a lot of things that look interesting.

Try the Top 5 things for a longer time

You hopefully wrote all of them down. Now you need to see what you would love to test out. Pick 5 things and do them for a longer time. Maybe all of them will stick with you like it did for me. A passion is more like a mix of things you love to do that define you. I personally write, film, draw, photograph and speak another language for this blog. There will be something that sticks with you and you will find ways to make it into a job. If you think the same things that are my passion are your passion too I have something for you:

My personal passion is writing and creating creative content in general. A blog is the perfect way to unite all of that and I think you are probably also really into being creative and if you are a bit on the younger end of the spectrum like me you probably also would love to work from home. I created a whole course on how to start a successful blog and it is full of video lessons and freebies for you. Go check it out because I think it could benefit you a LOT.

Not sure about buying a course? I wrote an entirely free mini-course including some stuff from the course, a little bit of new learnings and overall topics that would help you in the mentioned course itself. Join the free email course here:

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How to find your passion

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