A guide to turn blogging into a business

March 6, 2021Rabea

A lot of us creative women want to make our creativity into our income. Most of us already have a blog or something similar, but a lot of us also have no clue how to make it a business from there. Here is a guide to turn blogging into a business

If you havenโ€™t started a blog yet I can recommend Bluehost* to you to get started. Itโ€™s what Iโ€™ve been using for years for the blog youโ€™re currently on.

guide to turn blogging into a business thumbnail

Know your ideal client

You hear this all the time in business and blogging posts, but it IS the most essential part of a business. If you donโ€˜t know who you are selling to, you canโ€˜t know how to appeal to them. Know their gender, age, hobbies, pages they check out, their goals, their struggles. From there you know how to provide problem solving content. Donโ€˜t ever overlook this part. I did for several years and I wonder how much earlier I couldโ€˜ve made blogging into a business.

Write a business plan

It doesnโ€˜t have to be one of those super in-depth business plans that you need to take out a loan for your business. There are business plan templates that are 1-4 pages long and let you write down the essentials. You need to have something to refer back to when you feel like youโ€˜re getting off track. This is also a place to write down goals and how you plan on reaching them.

Figure out your finances

This belongs here no matter if you plan on investing money to make this a business or not. You need to get clear on your current finances and potential future finances. That includes income goals, taxes and learning how business finances and paying yourself works. Thankfully there are dozens of Youtube channels from incredible women out there that will teach you how some of this works.

Figure out what your income streams will be

You shouldnโ€˜t have just one income stream, especially online where any service can just go offline whenever they want. You need to figure out how to diversify your income through affiliate marketing, advertisements, sponsorships and your own products. This belongs into your business plan too. Canโ€˜t have a business if you donโ€˜t know in which baskets you put your eggs.

Learn way more about online marketing

Yes, even if you think you already learned it all. The number one thing an entrepreneur knows is that learning is an endless task. I donโ€˜t know how many times Iโ€˜ve scanned over a post about marketing thinking Iโ€˜ve already read all of the topics in it before and then realizing that there is new knowledge in there. Iโ€˜d concentrate on posts that are targeted towards beginners without being too vague. There are a lot of people out there that donโ€˜t give you the plug and play for online marketing and building community. If you plan on investing money, this is the thing you should be investing in knowing more about.

Actually put in the 20-40h per weekโ€ฆ

…and treat it like a business and yourself like a successful business owner. Live like one. This is obviously not possible for everyone. Some of you may work full time, be in college or have children, BUT you can try living as much like your ideal future version as possible. Wake up and have a morning routine like your successful self, concentrate on your work without distraction like your future self would, take breaks and practice self care, so your future self will thank you. Give yourself goals, goal reviews, routines and work boundaries. You can plan all you want, if the mindset isnโ€˜t right, youโ€˜ll take longer to make it to the finishing line of your big goal.

This was my little guide to turn blogging into a business. Of course there is more to starting a business than this, but these things are overlooked a lot and I donโ€˜t want others to make the mistakes I made. If you want to learn more about setting up a blog and running it successfully you should put in your info below to get my free blogging pack full of advice on what not to do as a beginner, or you can check out my course Blogging Bossbabe. Itโ€˜s made for people just like you, who want to turn their passion into a blogging business.

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guide to turn blogging into a business

A guide to turn blogging into a business by Rabea

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